This October 19, 2020, Blue Octopus publish the update to version 1.20 of the Octopus Wifi platform. The update window will be between 08:00 and 10:00 and in principle does not affect the service.
Mail and SMS campaigns. New activation "survey qualification": New activation criteria for Mail and SMS campaigns. They can be activated according to a range in the rating of the survey received. This functionality, for example, can boost enhance positive opinions on public opinion platforms.
Alarms in case of surveys with negative rating: Within the edition of surveys, notifications are activated, so in case of a total score lower than the configured value, send a notification via email. The objective is to be able to avoid loss of customers and negative opposition opinions on public platforms where opinions are reflected.
PMS Queries - Full Visibility: In PMS queries all "checkin-checkout" data produced in hotels now appears and not just those logged in to the platform.
Creation date in UI element listsDate creation in user interface element listings: The creation date (with the possibility of filtering) is added to all platform element lists.
Set owner configuration for users with wifi WifiArea permissions: The selection of owners in different elements of the platform disappears if only one selection is possible for greater user friendlinessthe comfort of users.
Digital Content - Maximum PDF file size: It is more clearly indicated when a file size is uploaded that is larger than above the maximum allowed
Digital Content - WIFI type in some manufacturers: In addition to selecting the WLAN, the associated SSID is pre-configured, but it is now possible to change it, as in some manufacturers the label tag on the WLAN does not have to match.
Obligation to select role when creating users: The creation of usurious users is blocked if a role has not been selected, since the one assigned by default did not make sense in some cases.
Top Users > Default Filter: Change default filter in TOP Users to USE / HabitualRecurrent, as it makes more sense if you only have one WifiArea.
Rename "Wifiareas" to "WifiArea ListingList of WifiAreas": Rename for more clarity of submenu content.
Create another selector for dates in the "date of birthBirthday" filter: Possibility of selecting the year in the date selectors.
WLAN > legal documents configuration: When changing the legal documents configuration and accessing another submenu of the Wifi WifiArea edition, the configuration is not saved. This is corrected.
WLAN preview with PMS access only: If only login via PMS is selected in the WLAN preview, it is not displayed. Corrected.
PMS login translations: The default translations of the login method are changed through integration with PMS.
Survey Filter > number of shipmentsdeliveries: Corrects filter for number of shipments deliveries in surveys.
Template Mail > Owner filter and associated campaigns: Corrects owner filter and range of associated campaigns.
Error when trying to clone a Template mail, Survey or Digital Content: With the latest updates with some combination, errors were produced in the cloning and , they are corrected.
Error when cloning Porta, SMS and Mail campaigns: With the last updates with some combination, errors were produced in the cloning and they are corrected.
Translation "Thermal printer": The text was not translated into English.
Roles created by admin partners "All WifiAreas of the tenant wifi tasks": Not displayed correctly and is corrected.
Roles and users Tenant permissions: Not displayed correctly and corrected.
Digital Content Listing > Print update: The updating of prints in reports is corrected.
Digital content Content - PDF files in different languages: Corrects that when you edit the digital content in you change the content of some language, it is deleted in the other languages (except for default).