Available with the module Octopus Add-on PMS Integration, in addition to Octopus Guest

It is possible to consult the data of the users validated in the system through PMS in the section "Access" > "PMS Inputs". In this way it is possible to have a control of the accesses, to verify that the integration works correctly and to make concrete consultations in case of incidences. 

In the list you can see the following information: 

  • Room: Room number of the guest.

  • Name: Guest's name. Sent depending on the PMS solution.

  • Surname: Surname of the guest.

  • Email: Customer's email address. Sent depending on the PMS solution.

  • Arrival date: Check-in date.

  • Departure date: Checkout date.

  • Mobile: Email address. Sent depending on the PMS solution.

  • Guest category: Guest category (VIP, ..), in case PMS makes this classification.

It is possible to filter the list by the content of each column.

In addition, to facilitate specific consultations, it is possible to press the question button and enter the room number to see the specific data of a guest.