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Modules to Contract: Octopus Guest.


Below, the neccessary steps to create a Facebook APP are detailed, which can be used to the users login inside the WIFI captive portal using this social network.

To registrer a new Facebook APP, it is neccesary to go to website with the access credentials of a Facebook account, if you do not have any user on this social network, it will be neccessary to register for the access.

Once inside the website, go to My Apps, and click on Add new APP to access to the configuration of a new Facebook App,

After adding a new app, a popup will appear where you must set the App name and the contact email.

After filling all the fields, will appear a new popup with a safe screen. Click on submit after fill the form.

To be able to use the app to login in the captive portal of the WIFI platform, you have to add the product Login with Facebook. To do that, access to ProductsAdd product and click in Set Up inside the products Login with Facebook.

In the next section select Web option

In the first section of configuration, set the website URL and click on Save button.

Then access to Products > Facebook Login > Settings and configure the following parameters:

  • Valid OAuth Redirect URIs: https://<captive_portal_domain>/login/hotspot/authfb

After realize the previous steps Click on Save changes to apply the new configuration.

Then go to Settings > Basic information and fill the following fields: 

  • Privacy Policy URL: Add the URL that contains the privacy policy.

  • App Icon : Modify to change the app icon.

  • Display Name: Modify to change the name of the App that will see the users.

After that, it is neccesary to publish the APP so it can be used by all the users. To do that access to App Review and change to Yes the option Make (your app name) Public?

To confim the change, select in the popup window the category wich the App belongs and click on Confirm to make the APP public.

Finally, to add the created app in the WIFI platform, it will request two parameters that can be obtained in the section Settings > Basic.

That parameters are:

  • App ID

  • App Secret

For more info about add and using the Facebook APP in the WIFI platform access to External Services

Twitter APP

Below, the necessary steps to create a Twitter APP are detailed, which can be used to the users login inside the captive portal of the WIFI platform using this social network.

To registrer a new Twitter APP, it is necessary go to website with the access credentials of a Twitter account, if you do not have any user on this social network, it will be needed to register for the access.

Once inside the website, access to Create New App to access to the configuration of a new Twitter App.

To create the App, configure the following settings:

  • Name: Application name

  • Description: Application description.

  • Website: Website URL.

  • Callback URL: https://<captive_portal_domain>/login/hotspot/twitterauth

After filling all the fields, click on Create your Twitter application to save the configuration.

Alter that, if you want to collect the email of the users who are loged in through Twitter using this APP, you have to enable this option. To do that, it is neccesary to add the Terms of Service URL in the application in Settings tab, using the following parameters:

  • Privacy Policy URL: URL of your application of service's privacy policy.

  • Terms of Service URL: URL of your application of terms of service.

In this settings tab it is possible to make another changes such as add the application icon.

After saving the previous configuration, access to Permissions and enable the box Request email addresses from users to store in the WIFI platform the user's email who login through Twitter.

Finally, to be able to add the app in the WIFI platform, two parameters that can be obtained in Keys and Access Tokens tab will be requested. Those parameters are:

  • Consumer Key

  • Consumer Secret

For more info about add and using the Twitter APP in the WIFI platform go to External Services


Below, the necessary steps to create a LinkedIn APP are detailed, which can be used for the users to login inside the captive portal of the WIFI platform using this social network.

To registrer a new LinkedIn APP, it is neccesary to go to the website with the access credentials of a LinkedIn account, if you do not have any user on this social network, it will be needed to register for the access.

Once inside the website, access to Create App to access to the configuration of a new LinkedIn App.

The settings to configure are:

  • Company: Company Name

  • Name: Application Name

  • Description: Application Description

  • Application Logo

  • Application Use

  • Website URL

  • Bussiness Email

  • Bussiness Phone

To finish the configuration of the app it is neccesary to add an URL from which can receive login requests, for this access to Application Settings > Authentication and configure the following settings:

  • Default Application Permissions

    • r_basicprofile

    • r_emailaddress

  • OAuth 2.0

    • https://<captive_portal_domain>/login/hotspot/authlinkedin

Finally, to be able to add the app in the WIFI platform, two parameters that can be obtained in Application Settings > Authentication tab will be requested. That parameters are:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

For more info about add and using the LinkedIn APP in the WIFI platform go to External Services


Bellow are the neccessary steps to create an App in Google that can be used for the validation of users inside the captive portal of the WIFI platform using this social network.

To register a new Google App, you must access the website with the access credentials of a Google account, if you do not have a user in this social network It will be necessary to register to access.

Once inside the website access to the Control Panel section and click on Create project to access the settings of a new Google App,

In the drop-down that will appear select the option Create.

Then configure the following parameters:

  • Project Name: Indicate the name of the project.

Once the app is created, access to Library section to add the libraries that the Google app wil be able to use.

To activate each of the libraries necessary for the proper functioning of the app, access to the corresponding library and click on the Enable button.

The libraries that must be activated are:

  • Google API

  • Google Domains API

After enabling the different libraries go to the OAuth authorization screen tab inside the Credentials section. In this section you must configure the name of the app and the logo that will appear when users validate using this app.

After saving the changes access to the Credentials tab and click on Create credentials by selecting the OAuth client ID option:

To create credentials configure the following parameters and click on the Create button:

  • Type of application: Web

  • Authorized redirection URIs: https://<captive_portal_domain>/login/hotspot/authgoogle

Finally, in order to add the app created in the WIFI platform, two parameters that can be obtained inside the Credentials tab will be requested by accessing the configuration of the previously added credentials. These parameters are:

  • Client ID

  • Customer secret

For more information on how to add and use the Google App on the WIFI platform, visit the section External Services

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