Blog from April, 2022

On April 6, 2022, Blue Octopus releases the upgrade to Octopus Platform version 2.4. The upgrade window will be between 9:00 and 9:30 and in principle does not affect the service.


Symfony framework update: the base framework of the platform is updated from version 3.4 to version 4.4 thus gaining improvements in performance, security and overall stability for the platform.

New method of access corporate accounts: allows access in the captive portal by configuring corporate accounts of the organization with Google Suite and / or Microsoft Azure 365 by using the SAML 2.0 protocol.

Validation by extra field in user accounts: now it is allowed to configure one of the extra fields requested per form as a unique login / registration field for the user accounts access method.


Ticket import process failure: punctual failure when updating statistics from the Radius DB to the platform.

Radius Tracker filters error: in some configurations, due to the panel data (in case of null data) gave a script error, leaving the panel inoperative.

Open MIST connections: due to a failure when machining the mac and the ticket retrieved from the Mist API, the connections in Octopus did not appear correctly, getting mixed if the disconnection and reconnection occurred in a very short period of time.

User data does not match connection data in Juniper MIST: it is detected in the list of registered users that the global connection data (duration, download, upload) does not match the individual ones retrieved from the Mist API. This is corrected to update the global data.

Omada V5 parameters update: update of the parameters collected when displaying the portal for the new Omada integration in its version 5 to solve a possible invalid certificate error when connecting via HTTPS.mediante la conexión por HTTPS.

User context error when its associated organization starts at 0: it is detected that this organization identifier associated with the user is incorrectly saved when updating it from the platform.

Error when exporting and viewing contacts: when selecting the "All locations" option and there is more than one Realm available in the Contacts list, it was not possible to view / export them.

Error when editing or creating template mail: due to an update of the JS plugin, there started to be errors when saving the templates since the final HTML is not generated correctly when editing them, causing an email to be sent with empty content, this is corrected in this version to be able to save the templates correctly.

On March 16, 2022, Blue Octopus releases the upgrade to Octopus Platform version 2.3. The upgrade window will be between 9:00 and 9:30 and in principle does not affect the service.


Juniper Mist Integration: integration through the manufacturer's API. User authorization through the portal and statistics retrieval.

Omada Controller V5 Integration: updated integration with Omada to support v5 of the software. Requirement for new ACCEM Aps.

Mail / SMS campaigns activation by date: possibility of sending campaigns with a preset activation date.

Mail / SMS campaigns manual activation: possibility of sending campaigns manually from the interface.

Search contacts extra field: DNI, First name and Last name filters added in the contacts report page.

Improved endpoint connections API: added possibility to search connections by Realm in the API Rest.

Improved MailChimp integration: added possibility to send custom fields via


Incorrect order in month selector: corrected error in the portal in which the months in the birth date field were out of order when registering the extra fields.

License section error: corrected error in the twig template of the list of licenses that was giving exception and could not be accessed to that section.

On March 2, 2022, Blue Octopus releases the upgrade to Octopus Platform version 2.2. The upgrade window will be between 9:00 and 9:30 and in principle does not affect the service.


API Rest Wifi: Updating and adaptation of all endpoints to the new reports, data and organization incorporated in release 2.0.

DLINK Nuclias Cloud Integration: New hardware equipment approved with the Octopus Wifi platform.

Authorization of user accounts: Functionality for the user account access method, allowing the verification of accounts created manually from the Octopus platform, so that once the account is created by the customer, it would require manual validation by staff on the Octopus platform before being able to use it.

CRM MailChimp data sending: sending of logged user data to a MailChimp account at the time of login, MailChimp API integration for sending data.

New Seeketing integration: new integration for external validation and registration with Enjoy API.

Calendar of appointments for demos: The possibility to book appointments for platform demos using an intuitive calendar has been added to the corporate website.


Demo environment: obfuscation of user data and partner data as they would currently be visible to other users outside the client (not visible until this change as access to this section is disabled).

Preview portal: Fixed bug that sometimes did not show the legal terms in the portal preview from the localization edition.

Audiences error: Fixed error that caused the audiences not to work, not showing correctly the campaigns associated to the filter criteria indicated in them.

Error when changing data in the Content Filtering configuration: fixed error when editing the IPs configuration of Content Filtering in the localization that caused the new changes not to be saved.

Error displaying users: Fixed error that caused that certain users with privileges within the whole organization could not see dependent users in the list and could not edit or assign them.

On December 16, 2021, Blue Octopus releases the upgrade to Octopus Platform version 2.1. The upgrade window will be between 9:00 and 9:30 and in principle does not affect the service.


Aruba Instant ON integration: Aruba's new "Low Cost" device, requested by some of our integrators, is now available for use with the Octopus platform.

Benchmarking Report: Comparisons with total averages have been added to the report.

Improvements in access lists: columns have been reorganized, some column names have been changed for clarity, new filters have been added to the list and the fields of the excels exported to the lists of "Tickets issued", "User accounts", "MAC entries" and "PMS queries" have been adjusted.

Enterprise module improvements: it is now possible to view both the registered Users (from analytics -> Registered Users) and the access lists of Tickets issued, User Accounts, MAC Entries and PMS Queries not only by location, but also by Realm / Group of locations.


Platform performance: improved loading times for Organizations with a large volume of projects, especially in the analytics part.

Content Filtering Accounts: Fixed bug that showed multiple times the same selectable account in the Localization Content Filtering configuration section.

Error when generating PMS entries: Fixed error that blocked PMS data updates when receiving a room movement while the room was empty and that prevented the subsequent use of the PMS.

Error writing and reading permissions in role editing: corrected error in role editing, which allowed giving a write permission (for example to roles or users) without marking the read permission, this generated that the corresponding menu option was displayed on the platform, but when entering it an error was generated, since there are no read permissions to access that option.

Partner list error: corrected error in which neither the main administrator nor the Partner's email address appeared, even though it was correctly assigned.

Legal terms error: corrected error in the emails sent with the access data to the platform by the methods "Sponsor", "User accounts" and "Paypal", which did not correctly include the list of associated services in the legal terms.