WLAN Groups

WLAN Groups

Available with the Octopus Guest module


WLAN groups allow you to group different WLANs always belonging to Locations that are within the same organization to view aggregated statistics and display promotions on a mass level independently of the Locations.

WLAN groups list


the content of each column is:

  • Name: Group identifier.

  • Owner: Organization to which the group belongs.

  • WLANs: Number of WLANs belonging to the group. Clicking on the value will open a pop up, where the WLANs assigned to the group can be displayed.

  • Creation: Creation date of the group.

  • Individual operations:

    • Disable: Allows you to disable the hotspot and therefore the service.

    • Delete: Deletes the location

    • Edit: Allows you to modify the selected location.

It is possible to filter the list by the fields Name, Owner, and date of creation.

Add or edit WLAN group

Possibility to create a new WLAN Group by pressing the create button. Select the desired option. In case of a WLAN Group that has already been created, click on the edit button .

When creating a new group of WLAN, the following parameters must be configured: 

  • Name: Group name.

  • Organization: Organization or Group of Locations to which the group belongs.

  • WLANs: Select the WLANs to be included and click on the ''Add'' button.


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