Google APP Integration

Google APP Integration

Bellow are the neccessary steps to create an App in Google that can be used for the validation of users inside the captive portal of the WIFI platform using this social network.

To register a new Google App, you must access the website https://console.developers.google.com/project with the access credentials of a Google account, if you do not have a user in this social network It will be necessary to register to access.

Once inside the website access to the Control Panel section and click on Create project to access the settings of a new Google App,

In the drop-down that will appear select the option Create.

Then configure the following parameters:

  • Project Name: Indicate the name of the project.

Once the app is created, access to Library section to add the libraries that the Google app wil be able to use.

To activate each of the libraries necessary for the proper functioning of the app, access to the corresponding library and click on the Enable button.

The libraries that must be activated are:

  • Google API

  • Google Domains API

After enabling the different libraries go to the OAuth authorization screen tab inside the Credentials section. In this section you must configure the name of the app and the logo that will appear when users validate using this app.

After saving the changes access to the Credentials tab and click on Create credentials by selecting the OAuth client ID option:

To create credentials configure the following parameters and click on the Create button:

  • Type of application: Web

  • Authorized redirection URIs: https://<captive_portal_domain>/login/hotspot/authgoogle

Finally, in order to add the app created in the WIFI platform, two parameters that can be obtained inside the Credentials tab will be requested by accessing the configuration of the previously added credentials. These parameters are:

  • Client ID

  • Customer secret

For more information on how to add and use the Google App on the WIFI platform, visit the section External Services

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