

In this section you can manage the access users to the platform.


List of Users

The contents of the columns of the list are:

  • Username: Identifying name for access.

  • E-mail: E-mail address associated with the user.

  • Name: Name of the user.

  • Surname: User's surname.

  • Role: Role assigned to the user.

  • Last login: Last login of that user.

  • Creation: Date on which the user was created.

  • Individual operations:

    • Disable the user

    • Delete the user.

    • Edit: Change the user's configuration.

It is possible to filter the list by the content of the different columns.

Add or edit user

The fields to configure are:

  • General data:

    • User: globally unique identification field on the platform.

    • E-mail: E-mail address associated with the user, also a globally unique identification field.

    • Password: Password with which the user will access the platform, it must be at least ''Good'' level for the user to be created.

  • Permissions:

    • Role: Previously created role to be assigned to the user.

  • User information:

    • First name: Name of the person associated with the user.

    • Surname: Surname of the person associated with the user.

    • Job title: Job title associated with the person associated with the user.

  • Access: You can select the organisation, group of locations, or location to which the user will have access.


Before creating a new user, at least one Role must have been created in order to be able to associate that user to the Role. More information about creating roles: Roles

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