

Once the homologation as Partner has been realized, we offer a series of documentation and tools to help in the pre-sale process:

  • Commercial presentation

  • Datasheet

  • Demo Environment

  • Training

  • WIKI

For the economic proposal there will exists a price table by which the WIFI platform services can be budgeted. The requirements to keep in mind are:

  • Number of Access Points.

  • Contract duration.

  • WIFI platform functionalities.

Regarding the last point of the previous section, it is necessary to know the details of the WLAN solution installed or to be installed in the final client, to determine which functionalities can be offered. In case of not having the solution integrated, contact the technical department to evaluate possibilities.

Comparative table of WiFi functionalities

For any questions, possible integrations or special developments, the technical and commercial team are at your disposal.

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