


  • Headquarters:

Tel: 91 109 32 50

  • Support:

Tel: 91 109 52 90

Email: support@octopuswifi.com


If you are experiencing any problem during your connection to WiFi system, we provide a serie of FAQs that will help you solving the most common issues.

Also, the Octopus platform includes tools that can help with Troubleshooting internal proccesses of each company. Bellow is an example of Guest incidence procedure:

Example of Troubleshooting procedure:

  1. Layer 1 (physical layer): From the NMS of our company all electronic devices connected in the network (controllers, switches, APs, ISP router, etc...) can be monitored and managed. If any device stops working, an alarm will be received to act proactively.

  2. Layer 2 (data link layer): In this case we check the WiFi connection under 802.11 protocol. Make sure the client device is associated with correct wireless network (SSID) and with enough coverage/signal.

  3. Layer 3 (network layer): Make sure the device has obtained correctly the network parameters using DHCP (IP address, gateway, DNS, etc...)

  4. If everything is correct, in the WIFI platform Status Panel, a specific Location (or location groupDomain) status can be checked, being able to identify the last connection date, discarting in this way a general problem. 

  5. From Radius Tracker, it is possible to see in real time all the authentication packets exchanged between the installation and the Radius server. This allows to identify quickly the reason why the user can not login succesfully.

  6. Accessing to the WIFI platform Portal Tracker, we can check in real time all HTTP requests that the Captive Portal server receives, showing last time that one user could print the captive portal on his device. If the captive portal doesn't appear automatically, the client can test manually introducing a HTTP page in their browser until it appears.

  7. The captive portal can be easily integrated with the most common WiFi manufacturers on the market. To rule out possible failures in the configuration of the hardware equipment or intermediate firewalls, we provide you with Configuration Guides where you can consult the most appropriate parameters.


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