Access Methods

Access Methods

vIn this section, it’s possible to configure the different access methods available in the captive portal and therefore to authenticate to the WiFi service. They can be selected from the following:



In this case, the users, through the captive portal, will be able to complete a form to register and with which they will be stored in the database. The different configuration options are shown below.


Session configuration

The following session variables can be defined:

  • Session time: This can be a total session time or a daily limit. If you select "Session time", it will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of a daily limit, access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices a user can log in with.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows the MAC to be cached for a certain time to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module.

  • Rate limit: Only available for manufacturers that have radius attributes for this purpose.  It allows you to define the speed limits for each session.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile




It is possible to define which fields of the validation form can be activated:

  • Email (Always required)

  • First Name and Surname

  • Birthday

  • Gender

  • Mobile

  • Postal code

  • Country

  • Room number (Intended for hotels)

  • ID card/Passport

For each of the fields there is a check, which defines if the data is mandatory to be completed by users accessing the service, or if on the contrary it is optional.

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Date of Birth field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.



Advanced Settings

Possibility that the registration is forced or not:

  • Forced Registration: By selecting this option, users are always forced to fill out the entire form, even if they have previously registered. If the identifier or mail was already in the database, they are updated with the last registration.

  • Non-Forced Registration: Once the registration form has been completed by users, they can access the service simply by using their email.



Social Networks

Validation of users through their personal social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google Apps). The different configuration possibilities are detailed below.


Session configuration

Possibility to configure the session parameters for each of the social networks:

  • Session time: This can be a total session time or a daily limit. If you select "Session time", it will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of a daily limit, access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices a user can log in with.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows the MAC to be cached for a certain time to automatically log into the service when it is associated to the WiFi network. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile

  • Auth APP: For the login with social networks, it is necessary to use an APP developer to authenticate the service. The platform has some by default, but in the settings section you could configure specific ones that would be selectable.


Advanced Settings

Register user in database: It is possible to mark if you want to store the information obtained in database or list of registered users

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Birthday field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.



Complete social network data with form: To make sure that all the data of interest is obtained, it is possible to mark the data that we want to have and in case it is not obtained from the social network profile, it will be requested through an additional form. These are the data obtained by default for each of them (provided that the user gives consent in the authentication by the social network):

  • Facebook: ID Facebook, Name and Surname, Email, Gender and Age.

  • Twitter: ID Twitter, Name and Surname, Email.

  • Linkedin: ID Twitter, Name and Surname, Email.

  • Google:  ID Twitter, Name and Surname, Email.



Accept Conditions or Free Access

In this case the access will be by pressing a "Sign in" button, after accepting the conditions of use of the service. The only data identifying the user's connection will be the MAC Address.

Session configuration

The following session variables can be defined:

  • Session time: This can be a total session time or a daily limit. If you select "Session time", it will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of a daily limit, access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices a user can log in with. In case of "shared session" it would be automatically unlimited.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows the MAC to be cached for a certain time to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile




Ticket or Voucher

You can configure the different formats that can be generated in the "Ticketing" module. Depending on the configuration the credentials can be printed, sent by mail/SMS or generated from an external API.


Session configuration

  • Name: It will be the identifying name that appears in the ticket issue module.

  • Session time: Time available for users to connect from the first login. Once the time has expired, the user will be expelled from the service.  This parameter is not configurable in the "variable" or "special" type, since the time will be selected in a range of dates in the ticket emission section.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that ticket. It is not configurable in special tickets, because the parameter is configured during the ticket emission.

  • Type of ticket: There are three formats:

    • Single Ticket: Intended for individual use, although the number of simultaneous devices for which the generated ticket will be valid can be configured, since the same user can use several devices simultaneously. They are fixed time and are also ideal if the rates have a price associated with them.

    • Variable Time Ticket: Also for individual use, but they have the particularity that you can choose the time of validity of the ticket in a certain range of dates.

    • Special ticket: In this case the ticket is fully customizable (including access credentials) and is ideal for special cases such as events or similar.

  • MAC Caching: Only available from manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows you to cache the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when you associate to the WiFi network. This time cannot be longer than the session time, therefore in case of variable and special ticket type if the selected dates of validity of the ticket is lower than the mac caching time, this time will be reset.

  • VIP: Labels the session as VIP and allows the session to be available in the ticketing module only if you have VIP ticket viewing permissions.

  • Price: It allows to associate a price to the available sessions and therefore also to save in the list of issued tickets the accounting of these. Only available in individual and variable tickets.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile

It is allowed to order the sessions, which will be as they will appear in the ticketing module.



  • Credential Format: Possibility of User / Password or only Passcode. The changes made in this section will apply to the entire Location and therefore to all methods of access.

  • Ticket issue method: There are three channels to get them to users. Printing (with several formats), sending SMS (possibility of configuring SMS account) and sending mail (possibility of configuring SMTP mail).


Advanced settings

  • Request extra fields and register user in database. It requests the extra fields that are configured in the table (mail required) and it is possible to collect them in three modes.

    • Captive portal. First login user. Only during the first login, with a certain ticket, the form with additional data will be requested.

    • Platform. During ticket issuance. Every time a user logs in to the captive portal, with the same ticket, the form with additional data will be requested. In this mode, it must be taken into account that the sessions will not be associated to the user registered in the database, but only to the ticket or session.

    • Captive portal. Every login user. Additional fields will be requested during the ticket emission by the administrator.

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Birthday field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.




It allows access to the Wifi service, upon payment. The user can make the payment by entering the credit card data or directly if you have a PayPal account or other types of gateways.

Session configuration

  • Name: It will be the identifying name that appears during the payment process.

  • Session time: Time available for users to connect from the first login. Once the time has expired, the user will be expelled from the service. 

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that ticket.

  • MAC Caching: Only available in manufacturers that have "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows to cache the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network. This time cannot be longer than the session time.

  • Price: Allows you to associate a price to the available sessions and therefore also save the accounting in the list of tickets issued.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile

It is allowed to order the sessions, which will be as they will appear in the captive portal during the payment process.



  • Payment gateway: Gateway used in the payment process, from those configured in the Settings section.

  • Access code format: Possibility of User / Password or just Passcode. The changes made in this section will apply to the entire Location and therefore to all access methods.


Advanced Settings

  • Register user in database: By checking this option, the user information is automatically registered with the data obtained from the payment gateway.




Access method that allows sending messages with the credentials to authenticate access to the service. Previously the user will have to register with the mobile number and optionally other data.

Session configuration

  • Session time: This can be a total session time or a daily limit. If "session time" is selected, the session will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of "daily limit", access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that ticket.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows caching the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile



  • SMS gateway: SMS message sending gateway used for the message sending process, from those configured in the Settings section.


Advanced settings

  • Register user in database8: It is possible to mark if you want to store the information obtained in database or list of registered users. Marking this option the mobile field (necessary for the service) and mail would be mandatory, the rest are selectable to appear, as well as the possibility of being optional in filling them.

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Birthday field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.



If the client has a mobile APP, a direct validation to the WiFi service can be made from it. To develop this functionality, contact the technical support team, where the development instructions to be incorporated into the APP will be delivered.


Session configuration

  • Session time: This can be a total session time or a daily limit. If "session time" is selected, the session will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of "daily limit", access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that ticket.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows caching the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile




  • APP download link: Download URL of the mobile APP, which would be accessed if the user selected this option. The URL must redirect to each type of "Store" depending on the operating system.



The PMS access method requires a PMS Integration. The configuration of this integration along with the requirements to do it are detailed in PMS integration module

Sponsor or WiFi Sponsored

Functionality oriented to office environments or guest access environments that do not want to depend on certain people for the delivery of credentials This will allow to offer the service of connection directly between the guest and the host. The client will be responsible for requesting their credentials through the captive portal and will receive them via email or SMS, subject to acceptance by the host.

Session configuration

  • Session time: Time available for users to connect from the first login. Once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service. 

  • Connetions: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that ticket.

  • MAC Caching: Only available in manufacturers that have "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows to cache the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when it is associated to the WiFi network. This time cannot be longer than the session time.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile



  • Access code format: Possibility of User / Password or only Passcode. The changes made in this section will apply to the entire Location and therefore to all methods of access.

  • Validation form fields: Data to be collected from the customers. The email is mandatory and the rest of the fields are selectable.

  • User notification channel: Channels for sending credentials to the client. It can be by Mail or SMS. Depending on the option chosen, the SMTP mail server or SMS gateway through which the data is sent must be selected.

  • Allowed sponsors: E-mail addresses authorized as "sponsors". Two options:

    • Several authorized addresses: It is possible to add the domains (@domain) or complete authorized email addresses.

    • Default email address: Only one email address can be configured and in this case users will not be asked for sponsorship details as this would be the default.


Advanced Settings

  • Register user in database: It is possible to mark if you want to store the information obtained in database or list of registered users.

  • Email template: Selection of the email template to send the access credentials to the users.

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Birthday field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.



User accounts

It allows the validation in the service through local or external user accounts. This service allows integration with Microsoft and Google so that users can validate with personal accounts. These authentication accounts are configurable in the Settings section


Session configuration

  • Name: It will be the session's identifying name and it will appear in the captive portal.

  • Session time: Time available for users to connect. If you select "Session time", it will count from the first login and once the time is up, the user will be expelled from the service and would have to validate again to create a new session.  In the case of a daily limit, access to the service will only be allowed for one time per day.

  • Connections: Maximum number of simultaneous devices with which it is possible to log in with that account.

  • MAC Caching: Only available for manufacturers with "MAC Authentication + Captive Portal" functionality. If configured, it allows to cache the MAC for a certain time, to automatically log in to the service when associating to the WiFi network. This time cannot be longer than the session time.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile

  • Auth servers: External authentication server used for that session, within those configured in the Settings section.

  • Self-registration: Enabling this option allows users to have the option of self-registering in the captive portal with their own email address and filling in form fields if desired.

It is allowed to order the sessions, which will be as they will appear in the captive portal during the login process.



External accounts personalization

  • Register user in database: It is possible to mark if you want to store the information obtained in database or list of registered users. The information is obtained from the API of the authentication server.



Local accounts personalization

  • Register user in database: It is possible to mark if you want to store the information obtained in database or list of registered users. The information is obtained from the API of the authentication server.

  • Validation form fields: Data to be collected from the customers. The email is mandatory and the rest of the fields are selectable.

  • Minimun access age: It is activated when the Birthday field is selected in the form and if enabled, it prohibits access to users under the minimum age configured.

  • Account Expiration: There are 3 configurable options:

    • Since creation: You can choose a time from the creation of the account.

    • Due to inactivity: The user will be disconnected from the network when the configured inactivity time is exceeded.

    • Unlimited: No time limit


  • Channel sending credentials: There are three channels to get the credentials to the users. Printing (with several formats), Sending email (possibility to configure SMTP mail) and sending SMS (possibility to configure SMS gateway).




  • Self-registration option. Account confirmation request: With this option when a user is Self-registered a mail will be sent to his mail in which the confirmation of the created account will be requested. Until the account is confirmed it will appear inactive.

  • Self-registration option. Require manual authorization: This option is used when a user creates an account in the captive portal, this will be in a pending authorization status (action that will be notified to the user) and can be authorized or deauthorized from the list of user accounts on the platform.

  • Recover password option: By enabling this option, users who are registered and have forgotten their account password will be able to retrieve it via an email sent to their account.

  • Mail account: It is possible to configure the Mail account from which the mails will be sent for the creation of user accounts, the following link explains how to create a Mail Acco Mail Accounts unt.



MAC Inputs

Allows validation in the service through sessions created in which MACs of devices are entered that will have free access to the WiFi network without the need to validate through the captive portal.

Session configuration

  • Name: It will be the identifying name that appears in the Create MAC input module.

  • Session time: Time available for users to connect from the first login. Once the time has expired, the user will be expelled from the service.

  • Access profile: Possibility to select a pre-configure Access profile to give the user customizable session attributes to control session time, idl time out, speed limits, etc. More information is available in the Easy Authentication module and at Access profile

It is allowed to sort the sessions, which will be how they will appear in the create MAC entry module.

  • Expiration: Possibility to configure an expiration time for MAC entries.

    • By inactivity: Configurable by hours, days, weeks or months.

    • Unlimited: MAC entries will never expire.


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