SMS Gateway
Under SMS Accounts you can configure an SMS gateway for authentication or marketing services. The configuration is detailed in the following sections:
Creation and configuration of Twilio account for the Wifi service
The purpose of the following manual is to describe Twilio service, a cloud software intended for companies. This technology allows by assigning a local number to send calls and SMS to the customers.
Twilio account creation
To create the account, access to their official website: Communication APIs for SMS, Voice, Email & Authentication | Twilio
Press “Sign up” to fill the company data:
Once filled, press “Get Started” to create the account:
Then, we will be redirected to a verification process. To do this, it will ask for a mobile phone where it will send a verification code via SMS that you will need to introduce later:
We will receive 4 numbers code via SMS. After introduce it press "Submit":
Finally, set a name for your proyect (it can be modified later):
Once the account is created, choose a phone number from wich calls and SMS will be made thought Twilio API:
Once pressed “Get a number” a pop-up with the phone number that you'll use will appear. Select that number pressing “Choose this Number” or search another one pressing “Search for a different number”:
Once the phone number is choosen, request an address to assign it to the local number:
Before that final step, the Trial account will be created. It is possible to do a test by sending a test SMS:
In the test SMS, the text “Sent from your Twilio trial Account” will allways appear at the beginning
Twilio integration with Wifi platform
This section details the necessary configuration in the Wifi platform for the use of Twilio service. On this way it is possible to send messages with the credentials to access the Wifi service. For that, first access to Settings on the Wifi platform and select "SMS accounts" option.In this submenu you will see the accounts already created and you can create a new one by clicking on the add button
In this submenu you will see the accounts already created and you can create a new one by clicking on the add button
Select the option:
In this last section fill the fields:
You can get SID and Token data on twilio website on the Dasboard accessing with your credentials: |
For example:
More information about Wifi account creation in the section External Services
SMS - Comunica SMS Orange
All SMS shipments that are made on the WIFI platform can be made through an own account created in the Orange "Comunica SMS" service. In the following link you can see the different tariffs and the form of contracting.
Once you have the account data, you may provide the necessary information to integrate it with the WIFI platform, specifically:
Besides it is possible to configure the "Sender" that shows in the SMS.