Mail / SMS Campaigns

Available with the module Octopus Business, in addition to Octopus Guest


The Octopus Platform allows the configuration of campaigns through the mail and sms channels, so that they are executed in an automated way according to different configuration criteria. To manage these campaigns within the AdinWifi Module > Mail / SMS Campaigns. It is possible to perform several actions.

List Mail / SMS Campaigns

The content of every column is:

  • Type: Type of campaign: Mail or SMS.

  • Deployment: Group of WLAN / WLANs o WLAN where the campaign will be active.

  • Owner: Defines the permissions with which the campaign can be viewed.

  • Dates: Validity dates of the campaign.

  • Deliveries: Number of times that the campaign has been delivered.

  • Success: Number of times that the campaign has been read by its recipient.

  • Activation: It reflects the image of the type of activation that has been selected for the campaign.

It is possible to filter the list by the contents of each column

Add or edit Mail / SMS Campaign

It is possible to create a new campaign by clicking on the create buttom . Select the desire option. In case that the campaign is already created, clicking on the edit buttom .

Within the configuration , for both types of campaigns we find the differents options. 

  • Name: Text field identifying each campaign.

  • Owner: Establish the organization, location Group or location that will be associated to the campaign, the campaign could be modified by the users who have access to associated element.

  • Deployment: Determines the WLANs in which the campaign will be active. You can select individual WLANs or a group of WLANs created in the Settings section.

    • GPRD Compliance: This field allows compliance with the GDPR regulations since only those users who have given their express consent to receive commercial notifications will be subject to the campaigns. 

  • Activation : Determines the type of activation for the campaign to be configure. There are four types of activations available: 

    • User birthday date: it will be activated during the birthday of the user.

    • User registration: For welcome campaigns, it will be activated when the user registers for the first time.

    • Loyalty: Focused on campaigns for the most loyal users, it will be activated when the user reaches the determined number of visits on a location. The minimum value is 2.

    • Reminder: It will be activated when the user reaches a number of hours without connection and it can work for example to service valuation requests, reminders, ... The range of time available since the last login to activate the campaign is of 4 hours to 1 month.

    • Manual: It will be sent to registered users when they click on the send icon in the campaign.

    • Rating survey: It is activated when receiving a survey whose score is within the configured range.

    • Selected date: The campaign will be sent to registered users on the date configured in the platform.


  • Audiences: In the Audience section it is possible to select the previously configured audiences by clicking on the button, as long as the audiences are associated with the same owner as the campaign.

  • Activation date: It Allows you to set the dates for which the campaign will be activated. If there is not an Activation date selected the camaign will be allways activated.


Mail Specific configuration

This section defines the especific configuration for the Mail Campaigns.

  • Mail Configuration:

    • Mail Account: Select the email account from which you want to send the emails within the existing ones in the Settings section.

    • Test mail: Allows you to add an email to send a test mail. This way you can check the user experience.

  •  Configuration by language: 

    • Mail subject: it is the subjet of the mail that will be sent in differents lenguages.

    • Template mail: For each lenguage you can select a previously created template. In the section Template Mails you can create one and clone it in the differents translations.

    • Survey: If a survey component has been configured in the Template Mail, one of the surveys created in this section may be linked. 

In the next link, you can find a videotutorial with the creation of a Mail campaign. Video Tutorials

SMS Specific configuration

  • SMS configuration: The configurable sections are: 

    • SMS Gateway: Select the SMS account from which you want to send the SMS within the existing ones in the Settings section.

    • SMS Test: Allows you to add a mobile number to send a test SMS. This way you can check the user experience.

  • Contents by lenguage:  

    • Body Text: Field to add the message text.

    • Include survey: Allows a link to a survey to be added to the end of the message text.