Survey Responses

Survey Responses

Available with the module Octopus Business, in addition to Octopus Guest

All data regarding customer survey responses can be viewed by accessing the section Analytics > Marketing > Survey Responses.


Open answers

To check the open answers in surveys, it is necessary to click on the following icon:

Answers to the questions

The answers to the questions can be viewed in detail by clicking on the button:

Export data

The data can be exported in excel format by clicking on the export button. There is another way to export this data through REST API.

Search Filtering

It is possible to filter the search in each survey with the following criteria: response ID, user email, comment or average response.

List of Survey Responses

For a more detailed analysis of the surveys, a list of all the responses from each of the active surveys and their average rating is shown. It is also possible to see for each survey the answer to each question in detail.  The list includes:

  • Answer ID: Identification number of each answer.

  • Name: Name of the survey

  • Answer user ID: E-mail or name of the user that answered the survey.

  • Answer creation date: Date on which the survey was answered.

  • Rating: Average score of each survey.

You can see in detail the answers to the questions by selecting the button .

In the following link you will find a video tutorial that explains everythings you need to know to take advantage of the list of Survey Responses, go to the section Video Tutorials

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