Available with Octopus Guest module and some Octopus Enterprise and Add ons features Content filtering and PMS Integration
This menu allows you to manage the different locations or hotspots, where you define the integration with the network electronics, validation methods and different WLANs that complete it.
Location List
The content of each column is:
Name: Identifying name of the wifiare.
ID: Unique identifier on the platform.
Customer ID: Customizable field per customer to establish a personalized ID.
Device: Type of integrated WLAN solution.
Realm: If the location has a realm associated with it, it will appear in this column.
Individual operations
Delete: Deletes the location. It is only possible if no connections have been made, otherwise it can only be disabled to keep the connection history.
Disable / enable: Allows you to disable the hotspot and therefore the service.
Clone: Clones the indicated location, being able to modify the configuration and save it with another name.
Edit: Allows you to modify the selected location.
It is possible to filter the list by Name, ID, Client ID, Device, Realm and status fields.
Export of the list, with filters applied, is also available.
Create or edit locations
Datos Generales
Son los datos genéricos del emplazamiento. Para ello se aconseja crear una Localización por cada instalación física y así poder desagregar estadísticas y tener flexibilidad máxima en cuanto a configuraciones. A continuación se enumeran los diferentes campos de configuración:
Name: Location or Hotspot identifier.
Realm: Realm selection to which the location will belong and therefore where it will be able to perform romaing. Once the location is created, this parameter cannot be changed, since all the connection relationships in radius will be generated with this dependency.
Client ID: Configurable identifier of the location.
Currency: Dropdown with the most used currency units, in case of having Wifi Payment functionalities.
Address: Valid address of the location. Once the address is written, it will be verified in Google Maps, in case it is not found, the location will not be generated correctly.
Installation data
Type of Facility: Select "Hospitality" in case of projects considered with such category and whose license is counted from the number of rooms or "General" for the other types of facilities in which the license is counted as number of PAs. Once the location has been created, this parameter cannot be changed.
WLAN solution or network electronics manufacturer: Depending on the selected manufacturer there will be a link to the configuration manual.
Number of APs or number of rooms: Depending on the type of installation selected, the number of APs or rooms for the location will be configured or calculated.
MAC of the NAS, or supplicant devices to the Radius server: It will allow to identify where the portal requests and Radius packets are coming from. In the configuration manual of the WLAN solution, there will be instructions to obtain the necessary MACs to be added in this section.
Within the Locations themselves there is the possibility of creating different WLANs, i.e. different captive portals associated to different SSIDs or networks configured in the installation. To be able to create several WLANs, it is necessary to check whether the WLAN solution or manufacturer allows this. Within the WLANs it is possible to configure:
Name: WLAN identifier name.
SSID or tag: Depending on the manufacturer there will be a WLAN tag to identify the connections of a specific SSID or VLAN. The configuration instructions of each manufacturer will show which parameter needs to be configured.
Access methods that we want to appear in the WLAN of those configured in the corresponding section. In addition, there is the possibility to sort these access methods and edit the names that will be displayed in each of the languages configured in the portal edition.
Redirects by type of access: Configurable landing page where users will land after logging in, depending on the access method.
Configuration of legal documents: This is a very important field as it will be the terms of use that users will accept before accessing the service, as well as information on the processing of personal data. There are two possibilities:
General terms: Only one legal document will be selected, where you can link one of the documents configured in the Splash Portal > Legal Terms section (Document type: General terms).
Terms of use and privacy policy: Two legal documents must be selected from those configured in the Splash Portal > Legal Terms section, one oriented to the terms of use of the service and the other to the privacy policy, corresponding to the legal document type Terms of use and Privacy policy.
Textos Legales: Depending on the options selected in the legal documents configuration, this section allows you to change the translations in each language of all the texts that refer to legal issues during the login process.
Legal Terms Links. It is the text that contains the hyperlink associated to the legal texts.
Check access to the service. Text that is included in the "check" blocking access to the service (the label of the previous point is included). This text appears in case of access to the service, without registering personal data.
Check access with registration of personal data. Text included in the "check" blocking the registration of personal data (the label of the previous point is included). This text appears when there is a registration of user data, hence it is necessary to specify more clearly that the link includes information on the processing of personal data.
Consent Use of Data: According to the gdpr reform of 25/05/2018 and the laws applicable to each country, for each of the purposes of data use, it must be specifically and unequivocally stated that such consent is granted for each of them. In this sense, all the consents binding to the functionalities of Octopus Platform appear. They can be activated independently and the texts are editable for each language configured in the portal.
Portal: The captive portal design configured in the Splash Portal > Portal Design section can be selected. Once selected, a preview of the final appearance of the portal will be loaded with the rest of the configurations made in access methods and WLAN. You can click on the preview to see it in detail in mobile and desktop format.
Filtrado de Contenidos
It is necessary to purchase the Add-on Content Filtering module to have the Content Filtering functionalities.
The Content Filtering section allows you to configure and control the access that clients will have when connecting to the WiFi service, denying access to certain sites that you do not want. All the options in the Content Filtering Module are detailed below.
In the Location section, go to the Content Filtering section. Once inside, the following configuration parameters must be added:
Location: select whether to configure a static IP or a Dynamic DNS. If a static IP is selected, the public IP of the installation must be added; on the other hand, if Dynamic DNS is selected, the domain must be added.
Category List: Select the categories to be filtered from the list.
Filtering categories
In the following file you can see the 53 types of content filtering available in Octopus Platform.