General Dashboard
Available with the module Octopus Guest
The general reports can be viewed from the menu Analitics > Usage reports > General Dashboard. This section shows General statistics of the element that we select, being able to be a Locations, WLAN or in an aggregated way by Groups of Locations, Groups of WLAN or Organizations.
Context selector
Selector to choose the location for which you want to view the general dashboard, or you can select groups of locations or groups of WLANs to view aggregated statistics. To change the selector click on the location logo in the upper left corner of the section:
Date selector
It allows us to select the dates on which we want to observe the data and statistics. There is the possibility of quick selectors for the last 7 days, 14 days or 30 days; or in a customized way, selecting the start and end date.
Export data
The data can be exported in Excel format by clicking on the button. There is another way to export this data through API REST.
Information and contents.
Each of the widgets that appear on the Dashboard is detailed below:
Access types
Percentage of accesses made through MAC Authentication, compared to accesses made through the captive portal. For validations through MAC Authentication it will be necessary to have the license and configuration of this functionality active. This widget can only be displayed in percentages.
Access methods
Data of accesses made with each of the validation methods configured in the Location or Locations of the selected elements. The widget can be configured to display:
Percentage: Percentage of accesses made with each access method.
Average: Average per day of accesses made with each access method.
Total: Total accesses performed with each access method.
Device Types
Usage data with each type of device of the users connected to the selected elements. It differentiates between Laptop, Tablet or Mobile. The widget can be configured to display:
Percentage: Percentage of use made with each device.
Average: Average number of devices used per day.
Total: Total accesses made with each device.
Operating systems
Data of the operating systems used by the users. The widget can be configured to display:
Percentage: Percentage of usage made with each operating system.
Average: Average of operating systems used per day.
Total: Total accesses made with each operating system.
Data of the type of browser used by users to validate themselves in the captive portal. The widget can be configured to display:
Percentage: Percentage of use made with each browser.
Average: Average use of each browser per day.
Total: Total accesses made with each browser.
Captive portal print data for each language. The ones configured in the captive portal will be available, considering that the ones that are preconfigured in the client's browser are loaded by default and that there is a default one. The widget can be configured to display:
Percentage: Percentage of accesses performed with each language.
Average: Average number of validations per day with each language.
Total: Total accesses performed with each language.
New, recurring and usual devices
The data are presented as a bar chart, showing the number of unique devices validated per day. They are classified into three types:
New devices: Devices that have never been connected to the selected elements, taking into account the last year.
Recurring devices: Devices that have already been connected sometime during the last year.
Regular devices: Shows which of the recurrent devices are regular. They are considered habitual if at least 10% of the days in which the Location or Locations of the selected elements have been activated have been validated.
Connectios, validations and printouts
Los datos se presentan mediante un diagrama de barras, pudiendo comparar entre tres tipos de datos:
Impressions: Number of times the captive portal is printed, not necessarily coinciding with the number of validations, since users can discard the connection. It must be considered that if the portal is in the browser cache, the printout will not be counted and if the language is changed or the browser is refreshed, a new printout may be counted.
Validations / accesses: This is the number of times a user is validated through the captive portal. Logically they would not count sessions through MAC Authentication.
Connections: It is the number of connections made per day, being the source the accounting table of the Radius server. This data does not have to coincide with the number of validations, or the number of devices, since on the same validation, the hardware can reauthenticate on several occasions and the same device can have several connections per day.
The following data can be displayed within the specified date range:
Data of connected devices within the selected period. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total number of connected devices in the date range.
Average: Average number of devices connected per day in the date range.
New devices
New connected device data. Never connected before in the last year. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total new devices connected in the date range.
Average: Average number of new devices connected per day in the date range.
Recurring devices
Recurring connected devices data that have been connected at least 10% of the days, since the Location or Locations of the selected item was activated. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total recurrent devices connected in the date range.
Average: Average number of recurrent devices connected per day in the date range.
Usual devices:
Data of usual devices that have been connected at least 10% of the days, since the Location or Locations of the selected item was activated. You can configure the widget to display:
Total: Total number of usual devices connected in the date range.
Average: Average of usual devices connected per day in the date range.
Data of times per day that the validation portal is printed. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total impressions made in the date range.
Average: Average number of impressions made per day in the date range.
Data of user validations through the portal in the selected date range. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total number of validations performed in the date range.
Average: Average number of validations performed per day in the date range.
Data of connections counted on Radius servers. The widget can be configured to display:
Total: Total connections made in the date range.
Average: Average number of connections made per day in the date range.