Octopus Wifi v 1.25. Release Notes
On April 27, 2021, Blue Octopus will release the update to version 1.25 of the Octopus Wifi platform. The upgrade window will be between 09:30 and 10:00 and in principle does not affect the service.
New submenu for access profile management: Listing, creation and editing of access profiles, allowing full control of user sessions, interacting with standard and manufacturer-specific radius attributes. For each of the radius attributes configured in an access profile, the dictionary, specific attribute, operation and value can be selected.
Management of Radius Dictionaries: Management of standard and vendor attributes of different dictionaries to define the access method configuration.
Association of access profiles in user sessions. Possibility of assigning created access profiles to different access method sessions.
Creation of several sessions with special ticket type: The limitation of only being able to create one special ticket session is unblocked and with this improvement it is possible to create several sessions to which different access profiles could be assigned.
Roaming with special ticket codes: In case of configuring different wifiareas or locations in the same realm, it is now possible to roam with special tickets between them.
Roaming with ticket, SMS, Sponsor and Paypal access method: In case of configuring different wifiareas or locations in the same realm, roaming with these access methods is allowed between them.
Roaming in access method Form: In case of configuring different wifiareas or locations in the same realm, it is allowed to roam between them, with users validated by form.
Session column MAC Entries List: A new session column is added to identify, search and filter MAC entries more easily.
User account passwords field extension: The 8 characters limitation in the user account generation is eliminated.
Error when exporting registered users in locations with "'" character: Fixed so that there is no problem exporting registered users whose name has this or other ambiguous symbols.
User cache platform navigation: The queries of registered users are taken into account to cache the last wifiarea visited by a user. Similarly, queries in WLAN group analytics are also cached.