Octopus Wifi v2.13 Release Notes

Octopus Wifi v2.13 Release Notes

On November 01, 2022, Blue Octopus releases the upgrade to Octopus Platform version 2.13. The upgrade window will be between 9:00 and 9:30 and in principle does not affect the service.


Automatic tests on the platform: unit tests and functional tests of the most critical parts of the platform have been added, so each time we build a new version of the platform they are executed to guarantee that both new functionalities and the existing ones don’t have bugs.

New contact form: the contact form has been redesigned to allow you to contact support directly from the platform through a message or make an improvement or suggestion for the application.

Improved API Rest documentation: a completely new documentation has been generated, more user-friendly and with the possibility of testing existing methods.

Platform translated into Italian: the platform now is fully translated into Italian language.

Improved MAC searches by various formats: in the list and edition pages in witch is posible to filter by MAC address, it is now posible to separate the components by both “:” and “-” characters.


Custom ticket notifications: fixed translation errors and malfunctioning of notifications created for this kind of tickets.

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